

Artsnacks is an online art store with a strong emphasis on community experience. Most of the customers are based in Massachusetts and one of the key reasons for the loyalty to Artsnacks is a very enraging and vibrant community of users who enjoy that interaction. I worked with Artsnacks to solve how to transform those experiences to in-person driving user engagement and growth.

Master Classes

Master classes with local artists, hosted by ArtSnacks. Classes would cover different techniques or art styles that ArtSnacks users are interested in learning more about and building their skills in.

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Pop-up gallery of art created by users and their ArtSnacks boxes, as well as their other art. The gallery could also feature “spotlights,” showcasing how the art of certain members have evolved over time (in part due to ArtSnacks!).


Informal monthly or bimonthly meetups, each with a different activity or challenge. This would provide users with numerous opportunities to get to know each other and practice their art skills under different settings.

Maker Space

An informal pop-up space for ArtSnacks users to come together, get to know each other, create, share their art, or even trade supplies. A range of supplies from past ArtSnacks boxes could be provided so that artists can use supplies they enjoyed again or try new supplies with the support and guidance of others.

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Family Space

An informal meetup that allows the kids and families of ArtSnacks users to participate. Multiple users expressed the desire to include their younger children in their art and share the experience. The meetup could provide kid-friendly art materials or mini-challenges that would allow kids (or other less experienced artists) to draw and create alongside their family and friends.


Illustrations & Artwork


Ride Hailing Pricing Playbook